
If I Love You..

If I Love You..
If I love you, I will be brutally honest with you on some days, and quietly understanding on others.
I will wake you up with sloppy morning kisses and fragrance of tea.
I will let you choose the menu for the day and peel garlic with you.
I will talk about first world problems on some days, and silly nonsense on others.
I will fight with you when I am angry and let you calm me down with your words.

I will hold you closer on bad days and let you pour your heart out to me.
I will snuggle up to you with a tub of ice cream and hot bag when I am menstruating and your company will comfort me.
I will be your 24*7 nonstop chattering buddy.
I will touch your body the way we touch each other’s soul.
Slowly, passionately and with increasing pace.
I will share my domesticity with you, if you do the same.
I will be the Jerry to your Tom if I love you.

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